
Capital Electra X 定价

Capital Electra X 是下一代电气 CAD 平台,可将您的工作效率提高 300-500%。

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Two men sitting in front of a computer. One of them is showing the other a graph or chart on the computer screen.


不到 5 分钟即可体验我们的一些先进功能,快速有效地创建电路。


Support Policy

A. Support Hours. Two sessions of Support are provided 5 days per week, in the below hours: 
(i) 8 am - 4 pm EDT/EST, from Monday to Friday. (ii) 7.30 pm – 4.30 am EDT/EST, from Monday to Friday.

SaaS Storage
Please note that the SaaS storage for this offering is 1GB per subscription