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Plant Simulation X Standard

Create, analyze and optimize 3D simulation models of production systems using basic objects, user-defined objects, libraries and controls for up to 4000 objects.


采用 Plant Simulation 软件创建的瓶子灌装 3D 仿真模型。

Why Plant Simulation X Standard?

Plant Simulation X Standard builds upon the Essentials product, incorporating advanced statistical simulation capabilities to create, analyze and optimize 3D simulation models of production systems and their processes using basic objects, user-defined objects, libraries and controls up to 4000 objects in size. 

Validate and optimize material flow, throughput and overall system performance with a high level of confidence prior to production.  

Key features

Simulate, validate and optimize 
Create 3D visualization models up to 4,000 objects in size to simulate, validate and optimize production systems and processes using Plant Simulation X software. Optimize material flow, resource utilization and logistics for all levels of plant planning—from global production facilities and local plants to specific lines. Enhance 3D simulation models by importing CAD data directly to build a realistic digital twin of production. 

Explore and analyze 
Accurately model logistics and production systems to explore their characteristics and optimize performance. The digital model enables you to run experiments and what-if scenarios without disturbing your existing production system or—when used in the planning process—long before the real system is installed. Extensive analysis tools, statistics and charts let you evaluate different manufacturing scenarios and make fast, reliable decisions in the early stages of production planning. Validate part routing and gain a comprehensive view of machine states, facilitating better decision-making and production management. 

Streamline data exchange
Leverage integration with technologies like ActiveX, C-Interface, MQTT, ODBC, OPC UA, PLCSIM Advanced, SIMIT, SQL for Oracle, and Socket to enable direct access to third-party code, database integration, and efficient data transfer, enhancing real-time simulation and monitoring. 

Detailed 3D factory simulation model with statistics in Plant Simulation software.

About Plant Simulation X

Plant Simulation X is a software-as-a-service (SaaS) solution with industry-leading digital manufacturing capabilities used to simulate, explore, analyze and optimize production and logistics at all levels of planning. Access hierarchical models of production facilities, lines and operations in a 3D environment with the added benefits of flexibility, collaboration, security and scalability of a cloud-based software.  

The streamlined software deployment and configuration enables higher productivity and immediate expansion of your manufacturing capabilities. The cost-effective and customizable Plant Simulation X products are tailored for different levels of digital manufacturing complexity.

Benefits of Plant Simulation X

  • Optimize the performance and energy usage of existing production systems before implementation
  • Maximize efficiency and utilization of resources and identify bottlenecks during the planning phase 
  • Improve productivity and minimize the investment cost of production lines
  • Enhance collaboration among stakeholders using cloud-based solutions

Plant Simulation X add-ons

Powerful add-ons allow you to easily extend your software capabilities as your modeling and simulation requirements increase over time.

Precise analysis of complex industrial systems

Verified user in automotive, Mid-market

Valuable tool for optimizing manufacturing operations

Verified user in automotive, Mid-market

Detailed insights into production line efficiency

Anna S., System Analyst, Enterprise

View case studies

进行生产仿真以改进流程和效率,将人员需求减少 60%
Case Study

进行生产仿真以改进流程和效率,将人员需求减少 60%

瑞健医疗使用 Plant Simulation 通过自动化流程来优化自动注射器的制造物流

Case Study


米其林使用 Plant Simulation 和 Mendix 将动态制造仿真用于工业生产

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