Deliver leading applications in product design, simulation and manufacturing with Parasolid. With 900+ functions, Parasolid supports a range of modeling techniques, including solid modeling, direct editing and free-form surface/sheet modeling. Parasolid also delivers convergent modeling technology, which extends its robust B-rep modeling functions to models based on facet representations. Parasolid provides wide-ranging graphical and rendering support, including precise hidden line and wireframe, as well as versatile tessellation functionality and a full suite of model data inquiries.
Parasolid is integrated by more than 200 software vendors, giving end-users 100% 3D model compatibility between 350+ applications based on the Parasolid XT data format. Parasolid is complemented by data access and translation solutions that enable the import and export of 3D models in alternative formats.
Keep pace with industry trends and adopt the latest 3D modeling techniques for efficient 3D product design.
Deliver high-quality applications using the geometric modeling kernel that is trusted by millions of design, simulation and manufacturing engineers across industry.
Offer your customers full data compatibility with 350+ applications based on the Parasolid XT data format.
Create even more value from Parasolid by leveraging the expertise other leading software development service and solution providers with years of experience and deep domain knowledge in a variety of computer-aided design (CAD), computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) and computer-aided engineering (CAE) specialties.
Enhance your Parasolid-based 3D modeling applications with complementary design, manufacturing and simulation technologies from our D-Cubed family of software components.
Parasolid benefits more than 200 independent software vendors who develop applications in design, simulation and manufacturing for desktop, mobile and cloud.
AEC software vendors who adopt Parasolid include Bentley Systems, Midas IT, Nemetschek Allplan, Nemetschek Vectorworks and Siemens Digital Industries Software.
Parasolid performance is key to AEC designs that need to manage thousands of features over large scales at an acceptable speed, while advanced 3D modeling functions for sculpted surfaces enable the design of buildings with aesthetic, organic shapes.
Cloud-based software vendors who adopt Parasolid include GrabCAD, Onshape, Simscale, Siemens Digital Industries Software and Zazzle.
Parasolid provides a geometric modeling foundation for building robust, feature-rich design, manufacturing and simulation capabilities into cloud native and cloud deployable applications. Parasolid is thread-safe and selectively employs symmetric multi-processing to harness the computational performance of cloud servers.
CAD software vendors who license Parasolid include Bentley Systems, Fujitsu, IronCAD, Onshape, Shapr3D, Siemens Digital Industries Software and Top Systems.
CAD is used extensively to create the complex geometry required for consumer and industrial products. Parasolid is used to model complex part geometry in the first instance, and enable modifications through design iterations and reuses.
Parasolid’s ability to quickly modify complex design models (also known as tweaking) without failure or user-intervention is an excellent benchmark for the robustness and performance of a solid modeler.
CAE software vendors who license Parasolid include Altair, ANSYS, COMSOL, MIDAS IT, MSC Software, Siemens Digital Industries Software, Simscale and many others.
Parts designed in Parasolid applications can be transferred without translation to CAE software for creating a finite element analysis (FEA) mesh, and to support a vast array of analysis techniques based on CAD models. Typically, the analysis specialist will make small non-structural changes to a part to accelerate the engineering analysis.
Increasingly, CAE users want to modify the part after each analysis to optimize its characteristics without referring to the originating CAD system.
CAM software vendors who license Parasolid include CNC Software, DP Technology, GO2cam, Missler Software, Renishaw, Thermwood, Vero Software and many others.
Parts designed in Parasolid applications can be transferred without translation to CAM software to generate CNC instructions or tooling design. Manufacturing specialists often make small non-functional changes to optimize the part for manufacturing. Examples include standardizing concave blend sizes to match a particular cutter or adjusting taper angles to ensure better ejection from a mold.
Parasolid customers can open Parasolid XT parts without translation from more than 350 Parasolid-based applications.
Some design, simulation and manufacturing software vendors use a different 3D modeler and license Parasolid to offer their users interoperability with the widely adopted XT data format. Software vendors also adopt Parasolid to develop conversion toolkits for exchanging data between Parasolid-based applications and non-Parasolid sources via standard or proprietary file formats.
Parasolid is the perfect tool for in-house applications that capture specific expertise in a specialist modeling domain. For example, an aerospace company may have an in-house system to model the aerodynamic performance of wing designs. Such systems capture years of domain expertise and give the company a competitive advantage from functionality that isn’t commercially available.
Parasolid can provide the geometric modeling foundation for such systems, leaving the in-house development team to focus on the domain specific algorithms that add value.
Parasolid is used by universities and institutions for academic research and teaching. Our solution comes with extensive software documentation, application support materials and a prototyping environment. This makes Parasolid the ideal tool for exposing students and researchers to the leading geometric modeling technology used in sophisticated commercial applications for CAD, AEC, CAM and CAE.
Academic projects can have direct applicability to commercial applications by adopting the same industry-proven geometric modeling technology that is used by more than 200 software vendors.
Visualization applications often need to import parts from a variety of design applications, each of which may be running different versions. The Parasolid’s release strategy guarantees upward compatibility for Parasolid files dating back to the version 1, giving access to a large proportion of the world’s 3D CAD data.
Parasolid’s high-performance faceting functionality also offers extensive control over the tessellated output, making it ideal for generating the precise format required to optimize image speed and quality.
Location:Budapest, Hungary
Siemens Software:Parasolid, PLM Open
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