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Capital Software Developer with IBM Rhapsody

Proven tool for cross-industry software system engineering, covering multi-domain system architecture with SysML to model-based software implementation with UML.

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국가 변경

Capital Software Developer with IBM Rhapsody is a proven data-driven tool for software system engineering across industries, covering multi-domain system architecture with SysML across software architecture to model-based software implementation with UML.

Why Capital Software Developer with IBM Rhapsody?

Capital Software Developer with IBM Rhapsody promotes openness, adaptability, standards-compliance and automation. It supports collaborative cross-domain architecture with configurable architecture layers, supports data and requirements traceability, and promotes early re-usable model-based testing.

Increased software re-use and quality through automating iteration

Capital Software Developer with IBM Rhapsody helps engineers succeed by automating the transition from multi-domain systems engineering to software architecture. It validates stakeholder requirements by connecting these requirements and use cases to behaviors such as activity diagrams, sequence diagrams, and state machine diagrams. Users can simulate behavior driven interactively from panels, and automatically based on reusable test cases. Focus on differentiating value instead of repetitive interface definition. Extensible model-to-model transformation framework enables enterprise-specific automations between any pair of source and target profiles.

Save time to transition from SysML to E/E Architecture

  • Seamless flow into Capital E/E Architecture
  • Flow E/E functions into Capital via a dedicated bridge

Define the software-defined vehicle

  • Address automotive software architecture including AUTOSAR Classic, Adaptive and non-AUTOSAR software
  • Generate the implementation contract Run-Time Environment (RTE)

Boost code quality

  • Develop software using UML models
  • Generate production-quality code for C, C++ and Java
  • Generate production code compliant with AUTOSAR Classic and Adaptive APIs

Improve quality by early model-based testing

  • Start testing on the multi-domain system level
  • Define tests in descriptive model-based ways based on sequence diagrams and state charts
  • Automatically generate test environments aka test harness

Ready-to-integrate embedded software

  • Embedded software developed according to the AUTOSAR Standard is ready to integrate into Capital Embedded AUTOSAR Classic
  • Model-based tests defined earlier are directly usable with virtual ECU platforms available as part of Capital Embedded Virtualizer

Avoid vendor lock-in through open standards

  • OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML)
  • OMG Unified Modeling Language (UML)
  • OMG Testing Profile (UTP)
  • Linux
  • Open digital thread support based on OSLC
  • Design application software for the AUTOSAR Classic platform and Adaptive platform

Learn more

오클랜드 대학교 산업·시스템 엔지니어링과, 학생들을 Industry 4.0에 대비시키다
Case Study

오클랜드 대학교 산업·시스템 엔지니어링과, 학생들을 Industry 4.0에 대비시키다

오클랜드 대학교 (Oakland University) 학생들은 Tecnomatix와 Teamcenter 소프트웨어를 활용해 복잡한 시스템을 설계, 분석 및 관리합니다...