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NX X Design Standard

NX X Design Standard ist eine leistungsstarke CAD-Lösung zum Erstellen und Bearbeiten typischer 3D-Konstruktionen und -Baugruppen.

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Why NX X Design Standard for CAD?

Benefits: Boost product design efficiency, accelerate mechanical design processes, improve collaboration, reduce design process waste, improve design quality and overall productivity. 

NX X software products are prepackaged solutions that deliver the computer-aided design (CAD) capabilities of NX software, a leading solution for mechanical design—now on the cloud.

What's included in NX X Design Standard for CAD?

NX X Design Standard builds on the entry-level CAD capabilities of the NX X Essentials product with tools that allow you to create and edit designs of typical 3D parts and assemblies with rapid prototyping, validation checking, and data exchange.

NX X Design standard also includes base-level data management from Teamcenter as well as the necessary tools to integrate with existing Teamcenter data management solutions.

Key features:

Data management: MCAD data management, document management, check in/check out, visualization, revisions and release, revision configuration, where-used indication and discussion and tasks

Design modeling: Feature-based solid modeling, Synchronous Technology, core Convergent Modeling, drafting, assemblies, basic freeform modeling

Process-specific modeling tools: Sheet metal design

Product validation: HD3D Visual Reporting out-of-the-box (OOTB) report

About the NX X for CAD solutions

NX X products are comprehensive Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions that let you access the full NX computer-aided design (CAD) capabilities with all the associated flexibility, security and scalability benefits. The NX X products are cost-effective packages of capabilities that are tailored to different levels of design complexity and specific product development use cases.

You can extend and enhance the functionality of the NX X products with NX X Value Based Licensing. NX X Value Based Licensing enables you to configure your solutions to your specific requirements with specialized design tools, standard parts applications, design-integrated simulation solutions, programming and customization toolkits and direct translators. 

NX-CAD-Produkte erkunden

Compare four tiers of NX X Design solutions' features side-by-side.

Leistungsstarkes System für die Konstruktion komplexer Komponenten und Baugruppen

Verifizierter Anwender aus Maschinenbau oder Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen, Kleinunternehmen

Best-in-Class für CAD Design

Anwendungsingenieur, mittelständischer Kunde

Flexible Plattform mit verschiedenen Add-ons

Brendan M., Unternehmenskunde

Anwenderberichte anzeigen

Zusammenarbeit bei der elektromechanischen Konstruktion verbessern
White Paper

Zusammenarbeit bei der elektromechanischen Konstruktion verbessern

Learn how to improve electromechanical design collaboration without extra meetings. Apply intelligent design methodology, and allow engineers to innovate.

Isolierte elektromechanische Konstruktionsprozesse kosten Elektronikhersteller Zeit und Geld und bedeuten einen Mehraufwand

Isolierte elektromechanische Konstruktionsprozesse kosten Elektronikhersteller Zeit und Geld und bedeuten einen Mehraufwand

Die simultane Entwicklung ermöglicht es Ingenieuren in der fortschrittlichen Elektronikfertigung, sich auf die Entwicklung von Konsumgütern, statt auf den Prozess zu konzentrieren, um komplexe Produkte liefern zu können