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NX X Design Standard

NX X Design Standard è una potente soluzione CAD con cui creare e modificare progetti di parti e assiemi 3D tipici.

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Why NX X Design Standard for CAD?

Benefits: Boost product design efficiency, accelerate mechanical design processes, improve collaboration, reduce design process waste, improve design quality and overall productivity. 

NX X software products are prepackaged solutions that deliver the computer-aided design (CAD) capabilities of NX software, a leading solution for mechanical design—now on the cloud.

What's included in NX X Design Standard for CAD?

NX X Design Standard builds on the entry-level CAD capabilities of the NX X Essentials product with tools that allow you to create and edit designs of typical 3D parts and assemblies with rapid prototyping, validation checking, and data exchange.

NX X Design standard also includes base-level data management from Teamcenter as well as the necessary tools to integrate with existing Teamcenter data management solutions.

Key features:

Data management: MCAD data management, document management, check in/check out, visualization, revisions and release, revision configuration, where-used indication and discussion and tasks

Design modeling: Feature-based solid modeling, Synchronous Technology, core Convergent Modeling, drafting, assemblies, basic freeform modeling

Process-specific modeling tools: Sheet metal design

Product validation: HD3D Visual Reporting out-of-the-box (OOTB) report

About the NX X for CAD solutions

NX X products are comprehensive Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions that let you access the full NX computer-aided design (CAD) capabilities with all the associated flexibility, security and scalability benefits. The NX X products are cost-effective packages of capabilities that are tailored to different levels of design complexity and specific product development use cases.

You can extend and enhance the functionality of the NX X products with NX X Value Based Licensing. NX X Value Based Licensing enables you to configure your solutions to your specific requirements with specialized design tools, standard parts applications, design-integrated simulation solutions, programming and customization toolkits and direct translators. 

Esplora i prodotti NX CAD

Compare four tiers of NX X Design solutions' features side-by-side.

Ottimo programma per parti e assiemi complessi

Utente verificato di ingegneria meccanica o industriale, cliente small-business

Il migliore della categoria per la progettazione CAD

Application Engineer, cliente mid-market

Piattaforma flessibile con vari componenti aggiuntivi

Brendan M., cliente Enterprise

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