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Tecnomatix Connector for NVIDIA Omniverse

Transfer geometry and simulations to connect and synchronize Tecnomatix studies with NVIDIA Omniverse for realistic, high-fidelity visualization and collaboration.

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Rendu photoréaliste d'une chaîne de montage virtuelle de carrosseries automobiles créée à l'aide de la technologie logicielle de Siemens et de NVIDIA, à côté du modèle de simulation source du logiciel Tecnomatix.

Why Tecnomatix Connector for NVIDIA Omniverse?

Boost your capabilities by extending your Process Simulate X software using the Tecnomatix Connector for NVIDIA Omniverse add-on, which allows you to customize Process Simulate X to fit your project's unique needs.

Tecnomatix Connector for NVIDIA Omniverse is a powerful add-on application that helps you transfer your geometries and simulation studies into NVIDIA Omniverse to realize an industrial metaverse visualization, simulation, and collaboration experience.

Key features and benefits

Study export
Export study geometry from Process Simulate to Omniverse. Use Omniverse to open a study, operate on it, and make changes.

Simulation export
Export simulation studies from Process Simulate to Omniverse. Use Omniverse to open a study, operate on it, run the simulation, and make changes.

Live connection
Create a bi-directional, live connection between Process Simulate and Omniverse. Use Process Simulate and Omniverse simultaneously, in a synchronized fashion, such that running simulations or moving objects in either environment are reflected immediately in the other environment.

Photorealistic rendering of a virtual automobile body assembly line created using Siemens and NVIDIA software technology.

About Process Simulate X

Process Simulate X is a software-as-a-service (SaaS) solution with extensive digital manufacturing capabilities for planning, simulating and validating human tasks, robotics processes and automation in a 3D environment with the added benefits of flexibility, security and scalability of a cloud-based software.

The streamlined software deployment and configuration enables higher productivity and immediate expansion of your manufacturing capabilities. The cost-effective and customizable Process Simulate X software products are tailored for different levels of digital manufacturing complexity.

Process Simulate X software add-ons

Powerful add-ons allow you to easily extend the software capabilities as your modeling and simulation requirements increase over time.

Benefits of Process Simulate X software

  • Plan, simulate and validate using advanced digital manufacturing tools tailored to your specific needs
  • Reduce costs with early detection and communication of product design and manufacturing process issues using cloud technology
  • Increase process quality by emulating realistic processes
  • Improve collaboration among stakeholders using cloud-based solutions

Expand the functionality of your Process Simulate X software products with these other add-ons

  • Augmented Reality (Digital Twin Alignment)
  • Automatic Path Planner
  • Cables
  • Safety Robots Manager
  • Point Cloud
  • Virtual Reality

Process Simulate X products

Compare features of Process Simulate X products side-by-side.

Études de cas

Les enjeux du développement multi domaine dans les industries de l'automobile, de l'aéronautique et des équipements lourds

Les enjeux du développement multi domaine dans les industries de l'automobile, de l'aéronautique et des équipements lourds

Exploitez un outil complet de développement de systèmes E/E. Choisissez la gamme de solutions Capital de Siemens. Téléchargez l'eBook gratuitement !

A complete digital manufacturing environment

Jak L., small-business customer

Gamechanger: ease of simulation & optimization

Shivam S., Design engineer, small-business customer

Revolutionizing manufacturing

Verified user in automotive, small-business customer

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