两个人正在一辆汽车上使用系统 NVH 性能预测软件。


工作 NVH 测试

提高噪声、振动与声振粗糙度 (NVH) 测量过程中每个步骤的效率。



为了在这一过程中支持 NVH 团队,Simcenter 提供了专门的解决方案,以充分利用在测试台和现场进行的工作 NVH 测试活动:将我们可扩展的采集硬件与测量、处理和分析软件相结合,使 NVH 评估更具成本效益。

从通道数量有限的简单故障排除活动到完整的高度多物理场测试活动,我们的解决方案将帮助您在开发周期的不同阶段监控产品的 NVH 行为。

为了做到这一点,我们提供了广泛的处理方法,包括快速标准化的 NVH 指标和特定分析技术,如声品质或旋转动力学。我们的目标是提高测量活动中每一个步骤的效率。


了解如何以灵活的设置迅速评估工况中的噪声和振动。探索如何在更短的时间内获取更多声振粗糙度 (NVH) 信息并对质量充满信心。



西门子 Simcenter 帮助 HORIBA MIRA 为其客户提高噪声、振动与声振粗糙度性能。

Automotive engineering consultancy uses Simcenter testing to assess the sound quality of electric vehicles
Case Study

Automotive engineering consultancy uses Simcenter testing to assess the sound quality of electric vehicles



位置:Nuneaton, Warwickshire, United Kingdom

Siemens 软件:Simcenter 3D Solutions, Simcenter Testing Solutions

NVH testing capabilities

Operational data collection

In an environment where prototypes are limited, combining multi-attribute measurements is crucial for cost-saving and to meet tight testing deadlines. Whether you need ruggedized distributed systems for in-field measurements, high channel count test-bench systems, or battery-powered pocket-sized devices, our state-of-the-art hardware, combined with user-centric software or web applications, can significantly reduce testing time. Handle a variety of sensor types and multiple data rates, configure channel set-ups in no time to streamlining multiple test setups into a single multi-channel measurement session. Save costs and boost productivity of your test campaigns with our multi-attribute data acquisition solutions combined with intuitive software for efficient data collection.

Learn more about operational data collection

A range of Simcenter SCADAS hardware systems.


Ensure data integrity and streamline troubleshooting with our powerful NVH software suite. Our validation capabilities include an efficient data comparison and visualization tool for real-time data analysis. Automatically validate acquired data with customizable criteria to focus only on validated scenarios for high-quality analysis, eliminating unreliable measurements. Gain rapid insights into your noise and vibration data with interactive audio replay and filtering. And quickly identify critical elements before advanced processing for efficient analysis.

Read smart automatic process and data validation blog
Read sound quality solution brief

A testing engineer reviewing vibration results in the latest version of Simcenter Testlab 2306.


Explore a comprehensive range of processing capabilities for all analysis needs: from quick frequency content analysis to advanced sound quality metrics, torsional vibration, angle domain, and human body vibration. Choose from predefined processing templates for standard analysis or create customized processes using an intuitive and modern interface. Experience the power of Simcenter Testlab and simplify your analysis workflows today.

NVH processing in Simcenter Testlab Neo process designer
Learn more about Simcenter Testlab Neo process designer

Simcenter Testlab Neo software user interface (UI).

Reporting and sharing

As the amount of data from physical and virtual testing campaigns grows, it is fundamental to annotate, organize, report and share any relevant data. Unlock the power of efficient data centralization and reuse with Simcenter Testlab Data Management, seamlessly integrated within Simcenter Testlab Desktop to effortlessly annotate and share data across departments using the ASAM-ODS standard.

Customize the way you display your analysis results in Simcenter Testlab to have full control over how the data is presented. Print Simcenter Testlab reports to active Microsoft office documents and captivate your audience with the evidence of your accomplishments. And ultimately be able to easily share the results of your testing campaigns with test and simulation teams, inside or outside your organization.

Learn about scalable test data management and analytics
Learn more about Simcenter Testlab Neo reporting
