Four people are sitting at a desk working and discussing something.

Teamcenter X

Teamcenter X Premium

Unlock the full power of the Teamcenter portfolio with our Premium tier PLM solution. Designed to meet your specific needs and budget, this tailored product lifecycle management solution runs on a secure cloud platform fully operated by Siemens.

Get started quickly with SaaS PLM

Our unified SaaS product lifecycle management (PLM) solution is built on a secure cloud platform, empowering you to scale your PLM capabilities, expand your user base, and grow globally—all while we handle the IT management for you.

a screenshot of a computer screen illustrating tools and parts.
Teamcenter X

Comprehensive PLM solutions

Řešení Teamcenter pomáhá uživatelům plánovat, vyvíjet a dodávat životní cykly výrobků. Tento obrázek zobrazuje fáze se třemi kruhy, které se vzájemně prolínají.


Nastavte strategický směr a definici výrobku, které budou vodítkem pro následná rozhodnutí.


Navrhněte a zdokumentujte víceoborový výrobek a využijte digitální dvojče.


Pomocí digitálního vlákna propojuje vývoj výrobků s výrobou, službami a dodavateli.

Vydejte se na rychlou cestu s průmyslovými řešeními

Začněte rychle s osvědčenými postupy v oboru pro rychlé zhodnocení a návratnost investic.
Provoz, údržba a aktualizace v ceně.

Industry-leading cloud PLM

30-day Teamcenter X trials

  • Search, find and reuse product information
  • Access and build a bill of materials
  • Initiate and participate in change processes
  • Manage product-related information, such as designs and documents

See how Teamcenter X can be used inside your MCAD or ECAD design tool.

A woman looks at a computer monitor

Frequently asked questions

Request a quote for a tailored PLM solution to fit your business needs and budget.

Yes, all the integrations offered with Teamcenter on-premises are available with Teamcenter X.

Siemens can operate Teamcenter X with Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Microsoft Azure.

Yes, every user of PLM within your business needs a subscription. However, your SaaS subscription includes Teamcenter Share for collaboration with customers and partners who don’t have Teamcenter or Teamcenter X.

NX X and Solid Edge X include Teamcenter X-based data management, but for collaboration beyond your mechanical design team, buy Teamcenter X Essentials or request a quote for Teamcenter X Premium.