Designer looking at a computer screen showing NX for CAD.


CAD software for mechanical design

Streamline the entire mechanical design process with NX CAD. As an integrated toolset, NX CAD supports every aspect of product development—preserving data integrity and design intent.

NX CAD mechanical design solutions

Deliver products quickly to market and right the first time. NX MCAD solutions enable you to use virtual models rather than costly physical prototypes.

Case study

Schubert Additive Solutions

A 3D printer of machine parts and a cell phone that operates it
Case Study

Le fournisseur de systèmes de fabrication additive transforme l'approvisionnement en pièces en concevant une imprimante 3D industrielle en quelques semaines

Société:Schubert Additive Solutions

Secteur d'activité:Machines industrielles

Lieu:Crailsheim, Germany

Siemens Software:Additive Manufacturing Network, NX