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NX Value Based Licensing XaaS (50pk)

Les jetons NX offrent une solution flexible et rentable pour exécuter des modules complémentaires NX sans avoir besoin d’achats séparés.

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Image représentant des jetons de licence NX virtuels.

Innovate without compromise

No matter which NX CAD Mach solution you choose, with the add-on modules you can extend its capabilities.

Over 100+ add-on modules are available, allowing you to configure NX CAD Mach to the specific requirements of your project —with specialized design tools, standard parts applications, design- integrated simulation solutions, programming and customization toolkits and direct translators.

Your NX CAD Mach purchase is a future proof investment, every 6 months we do a new release of add-ons, continually providing you with new capabilities and innovations.


How add-ons work

NX CAD Mach add-ons are delivered using our innovative Value-based Licensing model, which provides a cost-effective solution with the ultimate flexibility. Engineering teams can tap into the vast array of capabilities— whether you need them daily or occasionally.

Simply purchase a pool of tokens for your team. It is a check-in and check-out model. Each add-on and tool in the library have a value. When that add-on is checked-out, the token value is subtracted from the pool. When that product is no longer in use, its token value is added back to the available pool.