NX X Manufacturing Advanced builds upon the Standard product, incorporating advanced 3- and 2.5-axis milling, turning and on-machine probing capabilities, among other functionalities. The industry-leading integrated CAD/CAM tools streamline the preparation and programming of the most demanding freeform parts, such as molds and dies. The powerful toolpath technologies enable the machining of parts with superior surface finish while reducing cutting time by up to 60%.
Key features
3-axis milling: Manufacture high-quality components with freeform features using a complete set of advanced numerical control (NC) programming tools. The 3D Adaptive Roughing can reduce machining time by half. Automated rest milling enables multi-stage roughing, boosting throughput. Cut region control methods provide precise control of machining strategies. Achieve a high-quality surface finish with smooth finishing strategies that can follow the natural shape of the part geometry.
2.5-axis milling: Machine with volume-based milling to enable faster programming of prismatic parts, and feature-based machining automates programming. High-speed machining strategies can reduce machining time by up to 60%, and multiple part programming boosts productivity.
Turning: Effectively machine cylindrical parts on lathe machines with single and dual spindles using comprehensive turning capabilities. Roughing strategies include face, turn, back turn, bore and undercut operations, while finishing techniques encompass multiple-passes strategies and facing. Hole-making includes spot, drill, peck, chip, ream and tap operations, with grooving offering flexible tracking point control and threading for outer and inner diameters.
On-machine probing: Generate and visualize probing paths. Create on-machine probing cycles for milling and turning. Use output NC code with an integrated postprocessor. Simulate the process using the digital twin of the part, probe and machine tool. Detect process variations to adjust machining parameters.
Simulation, postprocessing and shop documentation: Use toolpath animation and a postprocessor to generate production-ready G-code. Post Hub, a cloud-based library with over 1,000 postprocessors, and Post Configurator allow modification or creation of new postprocessors; machine tool builder and work instruction tools create kinematics models and develop associative work instructions.
Integrated CAD tools: NX CAM provides industry-leading CAD capabilities for modeling, editing and assembly, which speed up CNC programming. Using the integrated translators, you can read all the standard data formats, including IGES, DXF, STEP, STL and JT.
Manufacturing metrics are based on internal test machining or internal comparison studies.

Zalety oprogramowania NX X Manufacturing:
- Programowanie z zastosowaniem zaawansowanych narzędzi CAD/CAM dostosowanych do indywidualnych potrzeb produkcyjnych
- Obniżenie kosztów początkowych i usprawnienie wdrożenia dzięki technologom chmurowym
- Zwiększenie produktywności dzięki najlepszym w branży funkcjom programowania maszyn CNC
- Usprawnienie współpracy między uczestnikami procesu dzięki rozwiązaniom opartym na chmurze
- Zwiększenie funkcjonalności rozwiązań dzięki licencjonowaniu na podstawie wartości
Rozwiązanie z możliwością personalizacji
Licencjonowanie na podstawie wartości umożliwia rozszerzenie, skonfigurowanie i dostosowania funkcjonalności oprogramowania NX X z uwzględnieniem następujących elementów:
- Zaawansowanie narzędzia do modelowania
- Specjalistyczne funkcje obróbki maszynowej
- Symulacja oparta na G-kodzie
- Nowoczesne rozwiązanie do postprocessingu