Polarion QA: Software Quality Assurance

Design, coordinate and track all your test management activities in a single, collaborative QA environment.

Man and woman looking at a computer screen in an office environment.

Get organized with Polarion QA

Quickly start projects with customizable, predefined templates. Our unified testing platform is flexible enough for any type of testing methodology, tool and team. Small groups benefit from rapid team organization in one environment. Enterprise QA departments can run unlimited number of projects adhering to very structured testing cycles, combined with a diverse ecosystem of both automated and manual testing activities, while keeping everything in sync and fully traceable.

Meet all test management needs, while centralizing every testing activity in one repository with multi-directional traceability to assure quality.

It feels like Polarion QA makes collaboration about 10 billion times easier.
Milan Vondra, NetSuite

Discover the benefits of Polarion QA

Enable traceability

Get instant out-of-the-box traceability of key artifacts, while automatically generating a complete audit trail of linked work items within and across all your projects.

Gain interoperability

Leverage our 100+ QA-centric integrations. Easily expand functionality via the Polarion Extension Portal with a growing list of integrations, add-ons and connectors.

Support compliance

Access compliance-based templates to jumpstart regulatory related projects while maintaining process consistency, visibility and complete traceability across all projects.

Build a competitive advantage with Polarion QA

Enhance your product quality with an improved QA process.

Screenshot of Polarion software.

Collaboration, traceability and workflow are the three core principles built into our DNA. With Polarion ALM you'll be able to:

  • Facilitate synchronicity and get 100 percent browser-based access to all Polarion data
  • Enable real-time communication between analysts, engineers, QA members and DevOps teams via threaded discussions, wikis, notifications, alerts and more
  • Pass any audit, compliance or regulatory inspection with traceability that is easily implemented and guaranteed via automatic change control of every requirement
  • Manage work items and documents via workflows that enforce how and when they move from state to state based on definable rules, with full audit trails, electronic signature and security
  • Access our time machine to browse, search and report any historical state of your project just like you do the current state
  • Use native clustering for load balancing and failover strategies
  • Leverage out-of-the-box integrations and Open APIs to extend functionality

Track all possible and reported failures. Plan and assign tasks to mitigate them. Get the ability to:

  • Track issues automatically on any test failure, no matter if test is manual or automated, performed in Polarion or in a third-party tool, you can ensure the issue is tracked immediately for all activities
  • Assign issues automatically based on issue classification (category, severity, component, etc.)
  • Analyze the quality of the requirements by measuring the number of issues and change requests linked to requirements (imported or tracked manually in Polarion)
  • Identify all possible failures, risks, harms and hazards, and plan and assign tasks to mitigate the potential risk
  • Access built-in project templates (fully customizable), allowing you to manage potential risks, follow the standard Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) approach and save time when creating risk assessment for new projects
  • Reduce the risk of critical bugs going untested before being released into the field
Screenshot of Polarion software.
Screenshot of Polarion software.

Understand the who, what, when and why of any changes. Get the following change and configuration management with Polarion ALM.

  • View every artifact: system requirements specifications, verification procedures, project plans and tasks—everything is simply stored in version control repositories, so every modification produces a version history record
  • Access versioning for the project and global configuration, giving you full auditability and visibility of your process configuration and improvements
  • Bring organization and accountability to the process of gathering, vetting and implementing the inevitable change requests that happen during every project
  • Verify that the final delivered software has all of the planned enhancements that are supposed to be included in the release by full traceability of every source code modification up to the change request
  • Support SVN and GIT out of the box, and other software (for example: Perforce; Plastic SCM) via add-ons

Manage all testing activities from a central platform. Polarion ALM allows you to:

  • Create test cases and easily link them to their corresponding work items such as requirements, change requests, other test cases and more
  • Parameterize your test steps to separate a test specification and test items configuration so you can execute the same procedure several times to fully cover your complex test conditions
  • Automatically create bug reports and tasks for developers based on test failures to shorten the fix time
  • Leverage automated test cases as a "first-class citizen." Integrate with third-party test automation tools via Open API, create auto-run via builds and be import-ready for any test results in xUnit file format
  • Execute test cases with online test execution panel or offline by exporting to MS Excel and importing test results back
  • Build traceability from requirements, not just to test cases but individual test records
  • Accurately and consistently automate verification and verification tasks with electronic signatures
  • Access our HP QC Connector and get seamless integration with the HP Quality Center for test management
Screenshot of Polarion software.
Screenshot of Polarion software.

Effectively gather, author, approve and manage requirements across the full project lifecycles.

  • An exclusive innovation, Polarion LiveDocs, enables you to collaborate concurrently and securely on specification documents while having every single paragraph uniquely identifiable and traceable
  • All the requirement specification documents are instantly exposed to all other ALM stakeholders for review, approval or development
  • Easily import existing assets using the rule-based Import Wizard. It recognizes artifacts like requirements, test cases, etc. contained in Microsoft Word or Excel and quickly imports them to our modern, browser-based platform
  • Export for offline collaboration so changes made outside of Polarion can be imported back seamlessly
  • Built-in ReqIF enables lossless requirements and test case specifications exchange with customers and suppliers
  • Invite and require stakeholders to electronically sign the specification documents as reviewed or approved before they can be released to production
  • Build test cases in parallel with requirements in our unified solution for test and requirements

Improve decision-making and project execution with detailed analytics and real-time status reports. Polarion ALM lets you:

  • View any report online in real-time, including on mobile devices—or export to pdf for offline access
  • Easily create your own reports with our online WYSIWYG report designer
  • Open any report from any historical moment with our exclusive time machine functionality
  • Run reports across multiple projects to help coordinate activities across disparate teams, and use BIRT for reporting across multiple data sources
  • Automate event monitoring and change notifications plus push important information to collaborators via My Polarion dashboards
  • Assess the performance of your project in real-time—live, always up-to-date and fully configurable to your needs
  • Ensure your code meets metrics for security, reliability and maintainability with status source code analysis
  • Extend the reporting capabilities by in-place scripting with full access to Open API or deploy your own custom widgets
Screenshot of Polarion software.

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