Graphic of a part being machined in a lathe

NX CAM software

Postprocessing and machining simulation

Generate validated, production-ready programs for your CNC machine tools using cloud-based toolpath postprocessing and integrated machining simulation.

Output machine-ready NC programs

Generate NC programs for a wide range of machine tools and controllers using Post Hub, a cloud-based solution for toolpath postprocessing with more than 1,000 machine kits directly accessible from NX CAM.
To address specific requirements, use Post Configurator, an advanced tool for post editing. 

For Sinumerik controllers, NX automatically selects key controller settings based on machining operation data.

Visual of postprocessing & machining simulation.

Simulate machining processes

Validate toolpaths with integrated machining simulation that provides multiple levels of capability. The material removal verification enables you to check and optimize the machining operations as you program. 

The G-code-driven machining simulation displays the motion driven from the NC code output. A 3D model of the machine—with the part, fixtures and tooling—moves in the way the machine tool will move.

Visual of Validate Machining

A new approach to cloud-based processors

Blog article

Smart Machine Kit Solutions and Post Hub

Smart Machine Kit Solutions are production-ready machine tools and postprocessors for NX CAM. They are cloud-based and easily accessible in Post Hub.

NX CAM postprocessing machine simulation.
Case study

Heiwa Sangyo

A Heiwa Sangyo machine being sprayed with water
Case Study

NX supports the full operation of various machine tools

Company:Heiwa Sangyo

Industry:Automotive & transportation, Aerospace & defense

Location:Funabashi City, Chiba Prefecture, Japan

Siemens Software:NX

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