A Simatic S7-1500


Sustainable product development

Design, procure and manufacture for sustainability with a comprehensive green digital twin.

Develop earth friendly and compliant products

Integrate environmental data with product data at every phase of the product lifecycle with sustainable product development.

Manage materials and substances early in the lifecycle

Control and trace the material makeup of your products down to the substance level. You can limit the use of hazardous substances in your products and reduce the risk of non-compliance with regulatory directives (REACH, RoHS, Conflict Minerals, etc.). While supporting your sustainability objectives, you can grow your business and build customer loyalty by developing innovative, earth-friendly products.

An illustration on how to manage materials and substances.

Calculate your product carbon footprint

Gain competitive advantage in your green design strategies by analyzing product cost and carbon footprint throughout the product lifecycle. Calculate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions generated by a product over the cradle-to-gate stage, following standards for carbon footprints (ISO 14067) and the GHG protocol. Base your optimization initiatives on analysis of the trade-offs in product cost and CO2e emissions.

An illustration of a chart that is showing a carbon footprint.

Collect and validate supplier declarations

Collect and validate supplier declaration data to meet your compliance needs. Teamcenter supports industry standards like IPC-175x and CMRT, as well as integrations to supplier material data portals like the International Material Data System (IMDS) and BOMcheck. You can synchronize and exchange accurate and critical supply chain data required to meet compliance initiatives and view products holistically.

An illustration of a camera with a checklist next to it

Reduce risk with product compliance grading & reporting

Minimize the risk of fines, restricted markets and damage to brands by identifying, tracking and reporting on substances of concern in your products. Grade and report against environmental and social regulations around the globe, such as REACH, RoHS and conflict minerals. Stay proactive and address future regulations by creating your own specifications. Clearly understand product compliance status at all times.

An illustration of a report
Case study



Teradyne takes charge of complex product development


Location:Massachusetts, USA

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