Battery production 3D simulation model shown in Tecnomatix Plant Simulation software.


Compare Plant Simulation X software

Plant Simulation X software is available in three, powerful, preconfigured packages. No matter the size of your teams, you can create high-fidelity simulations of production systems and logistics processes using cloud technology to analyze and optimize material flow and resource utilization.

Plant Simulation X products and add-ons

Using Plant Simulation X products and add-ons you can get to market faster by allowing your manufacturing engineering organization to digitally validate production and logistics concepts, including automation, equipment, material handling systems and people, upfront and throughout the lifecycle of new product introductions.

  • Use Plant Simulation X products to model, simulate, visualize, analyze and optimize material flow and resource utilization for all levels of your factory planning, from global facilities and local factories to specific production lines.
  • Use Plant Simulation X product add-ons to enhance your Plant Simulation X software experience.

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Male engineer reviewing a factory digital twin model in Tecnomatix Plant Simulation software on a tablet at the shop floor.

Explore Plant Simulation X products

Przeglądasz produkty i ceny dla kraju . Zmień kraj
A male overseeing a factory production environment and analyzing the throughput on an iPad using Plant Simulation X software.

Plant Simulation X Trial

Discover the Plant Simulation X trial on the cloud. Try free for 30 days.

Explore Plant Simulation X product add-ons

Use powerful add-ons to enhance your Plant Simulation X software experience.

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