Engineering using a computer with multiple screens in a test center.


Shock and vibration testing

Our shock and vibration testing solutions range from intuitive tools for routine vibration qualification testing to advanced systems for spacecraft qualification.

Reproduce realistic environmental conditions

Certification and qualification of products require specific dynamic tests whereby external excitation – shock, vibration and noise – is applied. In these tests, excitation systems reproduce the realistic environmental conditions that products are subject to, such as shocks during transportation, vibrations during operation, or extreme launch conditions. 

Our end-to-end solution for shock and vibration testing integrates an effective, high-speed multi-channel closed-loop shaker control system with parallel data acquisition and powerful analysis capabilities. It is a very intuitive tool for routine random, shock, sine, and combined modes testing. It features comprehensive time data replication applications, advanced functionalities for multi-axis vibration testing and acoustic field control, and is perfectly safe for vibration and acoustic qualification of space systems. Functionalities for test definition and analysis complement the offering.

Acoustic qualification testing for space hardware

Noise levels generated at launch can reach 146 decibels (dB) or higher which can cause structural damage and ultimately jeopardize functionality of the payload. Learn how Simcenter can help you engineer mission success with dynamic environmental testing of space hardware.

Direct Field Acoustic Noise (DFAN) Testing Masterclass

3-days of live training. October 29–31, 2024 in Long Island, NY USA

Shock and vibration testing capabilities

Case study

Thales Alenia Space

Thales Alenia Space partners with Siemens to explore new tools and methods for acoustic testing in the space industry. Their project delivered the unmatched performance of generating a 147 decibels direct sound field.

Thales Alenia Space partners with Siemens to explore new tools and methods for acoustic testing in the space industry
Case Study

Thales Alenia Space partners with Siemens to explore new tools and methods for acoustic testing in the space industry

Company:Thales Alenia Space

Industry:Aerospace & defense

Location:Toulouse, France

Siemens Software:Simcenter 3D Solutions, Simcenter Testing Solutions

Explore shock and vibration testing products

Learn more

How to not get overloaded by signature testing (without 15+ years in NVH)
Blog Post

How to not get overloaded by signature testing (without 15+ years in NVH)

Signature acquisition and processing, from instrumentation to reporting, can be done efficiently and intuitively in the Simcenter Testlab Neo 2406 release.