Simcenter System Simulation

Simcenter System Analyst software

Simcenter System Analyst is a company-wide collaborative tool designed to configure, share, trace system variants, and also simulate and optimize their performance.

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Multi-attribute analysis results from the Simcenter System Analyst software.

Why Simcenter System Analyst?

Increase model usage for actual product development
Empower your project teams with a system variant performance evaluation tool, that requires no computer-aided engineering (CAE) expertise. With this solution, project engineers can focus efficiently on mechatronic systems performance evaluation and analysis.

Decrease the cost of model development
CAE experts are standardizing and sharing their system simulation models and libraries of submodels to project teams. Complexity is hidden in the simple Simcenter System Analyst GUI. No need to redo your submodels since you can connect submodels from Simcenter Amesim, Modelica, FMUs or Simulink.

Large system simulation deployment

Address a variety of performance attributes while ensuring system simulation model continuity.

Simcenter System Analyst capabilities

Simcenter System Analyst end-users can easily define their system variants from predefined ones available in the company database. These system variants can be modified by changing components with those in the database or by creating new components and adjusting their functional parameters. Those changes can be shared with all users and are fully traced.

System Analyst software user interface.

CAE experts define any type of model architecture with Simcenter Amesim, Modelica or Simcenter System Architect. They can import them into Simcenter System Analyst in just a few clicks with their associated libraries of submodels.

Easy to use environment with the integration of system simulation model architectures and libraries in a database.

Simcenter System Analyst end-users can create multiple runs in parallel to explore various system variants. HEEDS software can serve as the companion tool to drive the Design of Exploration. Runs can be run from an HPC server.

Multi-criteria analysis visual from System Analyst software.

CAE experts can reuse or create their Python pre/post-processing scripts to generate specific pre/post company templates. Import your existing validated models and libraries of submodels created with Simcenter Amesim, Modelica, FMUs or Simulink.

A man looks at a graph and evaluates the data.
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