Kineo Collision Detector (KCD)

Perform high speed collision analysis on meshes and point cloud data in your motion simulation applications by integrating Kineo Collision Detector.

Engineers use collision detector software to perform collision and clearance analysis on a CAD model.

Why Kineo Collision Detector?

Perform high speed collision analysis in your simulation environment to resolve collisions that would prevent the successful manufacture of a part, or impede the intended motion of parts. Kineo Collision Detector delivers exceptional performance which makes it ideal for collision analysis on hundreds of parts in motion simulation environments such as robotics and machine tool programming.

With Kineo Collision Detector, you can:

  • Analyse collisions between mesh surfaces and point cloud data
  • Identify collision, containment, abutment and intersection lines
  • Measure depth of interpenetration
  • Obtain re-positioning information to remedy collisions
  • Monitor clearance (minimum distance) between objects

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