A woman using Simcenter Testlab software on a couple of screens.


Scalable collaboration

Share insights, collaborate securely, and harmonize processes and data management with Simcenter.

Connect and collaborate better with Simcenter

Simcenter Testing Solution provides a scalable collaboration solution from sharing data, within your team and with other teams of your company based on the ASAM-ODS standard to annotating your data. The Simcenter Testlab platform also connects to the process management capability of Teamcenter via Teamcenter Simulation while the integrated Xcelerator Share connector further enables ad-hoc cloud-based collaboration with your suppliers. Moreover, ad-hoc cloud-based collaboration with your suppliers through Xcelerator Share.

Simcenter Testlab 2206: Scalable Data Management

Read this blog to check how Simcenter Testlab scalable eco-systems improve efficiency and collaboration.

Scalable collaboration capabilities

Access and publish data directly from/to Xcelerator Share from inside Simcenter Testlab and enable ad-hoc collaboration on engineering projects with key stakeholders including designers, managers, simulation engineers, suppliers, and even customers with appropriate access control. Share the right test requirements, processes, raw measured data and/or processed results to ensure consistency of work. Make decisions faster by enabling the sharing of Simcenter Testlab reports consisting of our state-of-the-art engineering displays.

Adhoc collaboration representation from the Simcenter software.

Use Simcenter Testlab templates, processes, annotation templates, and more to standardize your measurements, processing, and reports. Directly read 3rd party file formats and share Simcenter Testlab projects and reports or Microsoft Office reports for efficient collaboration.

Authoring and engineering tool.

Easily read or export measured and processed test data. Organize and manage your data efficiently with integrated Simcenter Testlab data management capabilities and share data within or across departments using the ASAM-ODS standard. Annotate your data in full compliance with ASAM-ODS and in line with the needs of your team or company. Assure consistent annotation of your data, optimizing re-use during target setting, comparing product versions or test conditions.

Read more about why test data management is essential

Simcenter Testlab software.

Tackle the simulation process and data management (SPDM) need for 1D system simulation, 3D simulation and physical test domains with Teamcenter Simulation. This leads to the so-called Harmonized approach for simulation and test management across all domains. Teamcenter Simulation is fully embedded in Teamcenter. Profit from this tight integration:

  • Relationships can be created between the processes and data created in the context of the product lifecycle and simulation; hence creating a true digital thread from product definition to evaluation and back.
  • Simcenter Testlab projects or Simcenter Testlab reports can be uploaded directly in Teamcenter.
  • The uploaded projects contain the actual results of the physical testing phase while the uploaded reports contain user-editable references to the data published to the Simcenter Testlab data management solution.
Engineers using Simcenter software.

Simcenter Testlab Data Management solution

Read this blog to see why test data management is essential for team collaboration.

Simcenter Testlab software.