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NX CAM 3-Axis Milling

Effectively machine freeform parts with a wide range of 3-axis operations using advanced capabilities integrated with part model preparation tools.

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Mock up of nx cam 3 axis milling.

Why NX CAM 3-Axis Milling?

Simplify the programming of the most demanding freeform parts created in any CAD system using advanced capabilities for 3-axis milling. 

Accelerate machining and improve quality
Create smooth and highly efficient toolpaths with minimum input, such as the advanced finishing operations that follow the part natural shape, achieving mirror-like surface finishes.

Reduce machining cycles by up to 60% and deliver higher quality parts, such as mold and dies, using the innovative 3D Adaptive Roughing with its deep cuts at high speeds. 

Use integrated CAD tools
Directly edit 3D part models using synchronous technology for faster NC programming. Additionally, develop cast and stage models using interactive editing tools.  

Output validated programs
Use integrated cloud-based postprocessing and machining simulation to output validated, machine-specific NC programs. Transfer the manufacturing data to the shop floor using associative and complete shop documentation, including tool lists, setup sheets and 3D drawings.

CNC machine machining a part with NX CAM 3-Axis Milling.

NX CAM provides advanced programming capabilities for 3-axis milling, including: 

  • 3D Adaptive Roughing 
  • Rest milling 
  • Guide curve finishing 
  • Z-level finishing 
  • Cut region control 
  • Spiral and helical finishing 
  • In-Process Workpiece (IPW) 
  • Toolpath verification 
  • Postprocessing 
  • Shop floor documentation 

*The 2.5-axis milling capabilities are included too 

Included integrated CAD tools:

  • Synchronous technology 
  • Assemblies 
  • CAD translators

NX X Manufacturing Standard capabilities

Armo Tool

Armo tools, designed using NX software.
Case Study

Armo Tool increases overall operational productivity by 40 percent with NX

Company:Armo Tool

Industry:Industrial machinery

Location:London, Ontario, Canada

Siemens Software:NX

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Siemens Teamcenter Share

Optimize your entire production process with Teamcenter Share, a cloud-based collaboration solution, which seamlessly connects to NX CAM software. Securely communicate and share information with internal and external stakeholders in the cloud.

Connect design, manufacturing and shop floor teams to run more flexible and efficient production.

Learn more about Teamcenter Share for NX CAM

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