Female engineer in machine shop working at computer using NX CAM software.

NX for manufacturing

NX CAM software

Maximize your manufacturing performance to gain an advantage using our advanced computer-aided manufacturing, CAM software, part of our end-to-end solution for digital manufacturing.

How NX CAM software can boost your productivity

Transform your entire part manufacturing process by using a single, comprehensive computer-aided manufacturing, CAM software.

NX CAM software helps automate NC programming, accelerate machining, and manufacture high-precision parts using advanced toolpath technologies and integrated G-code-driven simulation.

Stay ahead with the NX CAM seamless integration into our wider solution for digital manufacturing. Address the evolving industry needs with a range of software for 3D printing, robotics, production line design and more.

NX CAM boosts your machining productivity

Key Benefits of Siemens NX CAM software


reduced programming time

Automate NC (numerical control) programming using feature-based machining and modern interactive techniques to save time and standardize processes.


shorter machining cycles

Generate high-performance machining operations to increase material removal rates, improve surface quality and extend tool life.


higher part quality

Complete jobs on spec and on time by using one CAD/CAM software to connect part manufacturing — from 3D models to precision machined parts.

Explore the capabilities of Siemens NX CAM software

The CAM software category leader

G2, the largest peer-review site has ranked NX CAM as #1 CAM software. Check out why our users love NX CAM.

How does NX CAM differ from other CAM software?

NX CAM software helps you generate efficient toolpaths, simulate machining operations and output production-ready programs for a wide range of computer numerical control (CNC) machines. Additionally, you can prepare part models and define machine setups using the integrated CAD capabilities.

Automated programming

Automatically generate operations for many common features in seconds by using the NX CAM feature-based machining capability.

This automated approach simplifies programming and minimizes manual input, improving productivity by up to 90%.

automated programming in NX CAM

Advanced machining strategies

Manufacture precision parts of any complexity using advanced machining strategies, such as ultra-fast multi-axis roughing and smooth-flowing high-feed rate finishing.

The innovative methods help you improve machined part quality, while reducing cycle time by 60%.

Advanced machining strategies in NX CAM

Cloud-connected tool library

Easily manage and use cutting tools to program your job with a modern, graphic-based library with dynamic tool preview.

Rapidly import tool data from vendor catalogs, eliminating manual input and improving your programming efficiency.

Cloud-connect tool library in NX CAM

Integrated simulation

Digitally validate operations using the integrated simulation. NX accurately simulates the machining process, enabling you to eliminate possible errors and optimize processes before running the program on the actual CNC machine.

Integrated simulation in NX CAM

Postprocessing on the cloud

Generate validated, production-ready programs for your CNC machine tools using Post Hub, a cloud-based postprocessing solution.

It offers over 1,000 postprocessors to generate G-code tailored to the requirements of your machine tool configuration.

Cloud-based postprocessing in NX CAM

Integrated solutions

Use unified capabilities for part manufacturing to increase your productivity. Collaborate efficiently across all stages of the design-to-production process, from CAD and CAM programming to 3D printing and coordinate measuring machine (CMM) inspection programming — all in a single environment.

This integration enables efficient collaboration across all the stages of the product development process.

Integrated solutions in NX CAM

Compare NX X Manufacturing solutions

Explore the features of the 3 scalable tiers of NX X Manufacturing solutions: Standard, Advanced and Premium

Siemens Teamcenter Share

Optimize your entire production process with Teamcenter Share, a cloud-based collaboration solution, which seamlessly connects to NX CAM software. Securely communicate and share information with internal and external stakeholders in the cloud.

Connect design, manufacturing and shop floor teams to run more flexible and efficient production.

Learn more about Teamcenter Share for NX CAM

Explore NX X Manufacturing products

Get more details about our wide range of cloud solutions for your specific part manufacturing needs.

See why our customers love NX CAM software

According to G2, the largest and most trusted software peer review site, Siemens NX CAM is recognized as a leader in the CAM software category. Most recently, it earned Leader and Momentum Leader of Spring 2023. With powerful programming, accurate simulation and machine-optimized G-code, NX helps you efficiently program any job.

Explore what our customers are saying about NX CAM.

5 of the badges representing awards won by NX CAM
Featured case study

W.A. Pfeiffer

Case study

Small machine shop to digital enterprise

Company:W.A. Pfeiffer

Location:Zirndorf, Germany

Siemens Software:NX

Frequently asked questions on CAM software

Explore answers to common inquiries about CAD, CNC and CAM software technologies